Frustrated with Calling the SBA

We know how frustrating it is to spend time and energy following up with the SBA on the status of Your EIDL loan or Reconsideration request!

We’re sharing our experiences from having worked on dozens of EIDL loans and our interactions with SBA Agents. We want to you to know you’re not alone in your frustration, but also to help you to understand how the system works.

1. WE LOVE SBA AGENTS! Every call we experience an SBA Agent who is very professional and eager to help business owners obtain the EIDL financing they need to survive this pandemic.

2. SBA Loan Officers are, to quote an SBA Agent, “Working 15 hour days” on loan requests and reconsideration requests.

3. Okay, once you understand the value of the intrepid SBA Agents and how enthusiastic and hard-working they are, let’s discuss the frustrations of follow up.

4. We did a video on “How To Speak With An SBA Agent” we recommend you watch that for tips on how to make your follow up call.

5. Next, know that SBA Agents don’t always have a complete picture on your loan status. Their system has notes about your file’s progress with “Codes.” We don’t know what those codes are, but let’s hypothesize that a typical code could be something like this: “9837: IRS Form received” or “9822: Email sent to Applicant”.

Trevor has seen coding like this in his previous career as a Mortgage Banker. It’s an efficient way for a system to track the progress of a file.We’ve spoken to a couple of Agents who told us they don’t know what some of the Codes mean when a file is in the Reconsideration system.

6. Apparently, the Reconsideration Team works like a “Black-Ops” enterprise. SBA Agents can’t speak with them and their Codes can’t be deciphered by the SBA Agent you call for a status.

7. Beware of general statements made by an SBA Agent such as “Reconsideration processing times are 5-6 weeks.” Another Agent told us that is not true; she’s seen Reconsiderations take substantially longer. She said the other Agent should never have made that statement. Moral of the story: Take anything an SBA Agent says on general matters with a grain of salt.

8. Don’t think you’re going to call and get very clear guidance. The SBA is STILL overwhelmed with the number of new and Reconsideration requests. There’s a lot of moving parts, a lot of confusion, and long waiting times.

9. Remain consistently vigilant, and always polite. Check in regularly on your file. You won’t always get a definitive answer, but once in a while you might discover the SBA sent you an email that you didn’t know they sent! We’ve seen that happen…the email was sitting in the client’s spam folder. Other times, no such email was received. Moving parts. Confusion. Not quite controlled chaos.

10. Patience is a virtue. We know you need this money to help you survive this pandemic. We know the SBA is working diligently. We also know that sometimes some folks in an organization (Bank, SBA, etc.) get a file and it sits there waiting its turn because that person in the organization is overwhelmed, confused, slow, or, maybe, just maybe, even lazy. Think of the real world and how folks work in your business; the SBA is no different.

Small Business Must Roll the Dice

This comment in an online forum about SBA EIDL loans says it all about two key concepts:

“…who knows what this winter is gonna be like here so I’m afraid to give it back yet.”

The business owner has EIDL monies left over and had considered (oh so briefly) prepaying the loan with the remainder of the monies. And then the new surge hit.

Concept #1: Utilization of EIDL monies as a way to replace lost revenue for working capital due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no finish line; no concrete timeline; complete uncertainty.

If you have not used all your EIDL monies, we recommend holding on to the funds through the coming months. You want to have a better understanding of a “diminishment” of the COVID-19 pandemic to such a level that there’s no fear of upcoming possible lockdowns where you have to close your business. Likewise, to know there’s no upcoming lockdowns to gauge if you will have customers coming through the door.

Concept #2: “who knows what this winter is gonna be like…” speaks to the SBA’s continuing failure to recognize the drastic difference of this disaster from all “traditional” natural disasters. The EIDL processing guidelines and the Loan Agreement and the lack of clear, unambiguous guidance on how to use the monies from and EIDL all need to be addressed by the Administrators of SBA.

We’re eight months into this pandemic; that’s more than enough time for this Federal Agency to have created at the very least some better guidance on how to use the monies beyond stating, “Working capital” in the Loan Agreement.

Business owners are terrified to use the funds incorrectly, many of them saying, “I don’t want to go to jail!” This is absurd.

SBA! Please, please, please, we are begging your Administration, recognize the unique features of the COVID-19 pandemic disaster and modify your guidance for EIDL funds so that business owners can use the money without fear of contravening the terms of their Loan Agreements!

We’re all holding on out here for this disaster to end. We’re all holding on out here, trying to survive and keep our business’ doors open. We’re all holding on for more detail from SBA and a resiliency to the fact this disaster is like no other disaster in American history.

Credit Advice: The Real Deal

We read an online article recently about credit and credit scores. The writer was complaining about how they couldn’t get approved for credit for a major purchase. He was denied due to a credit score of 575. In the article, he complained how this credit score is wrong, how the creditor who denied him must be committing fraud, and on and on. 

This article writer referenced a consumer-credit app that all too many people use, some “karmic” thing that purports to guide people on improving their credit histories.

Based on 30 years’ experience in mortgage banking and having read thousands of credit reports, my response to the author of the article and a commenter is below. We promise you, as you will see, credit ain’t a rocket science.

People in the world spend too much time focused on their credit scores, only to lead to the kind of frustrations experienced by the article writer referenced above. I’ve been giving this kind of credit advice for decades because we know it WORKS.

Our opinion is that consumers have been trained to spend entirely too much time focusing on credit scores. If you want a good credit report and good scores there are several basics to follow.

  1. Longevity counts. The longer your credit history (assuming on-time payments, no derogatory accounts, good utilization), the better your scores.
  2. You have 3-5 accounts open and ACTIVE at all times. Active means using that account every month: a car loan you’re paying, a credit card you use for groceries, a student loan (or more), a mortgage. Even if it’s only credit cards, 3-5 accounts is the standard for good scores in my experience.
  3. STOP paying off your balances to zero permanently and STOP paying off your credit card balances at the end of the month. Credit scoring relies on you actually USING credit. If your complaint is that you don’t want to pay the interest, fine, but don’t complain that your credit scores aren’t higher. It’s a scoring system based on USING credit over time. FYI: “time” does not mean monthly, rather over long periods of time, consistently. (See #1 above)
  4. Utilization. I know all the online “experts” say “Don’t use more than 30% of your available revolving balance.” What a bunch of scaredy-cats! We’ve seen thousands of credit reports thanks to Trevor’s financing career. He’s seen folks with up to 50% utilization of their available revolving balances with excellent credit scores. When you go above 50%, then it can get interesting. Depends on your overall credit history. Is it one account above 50%? Is it several? Did you just get a new house and mortgage? Did you trade in your leased-car last month? Yeah…interesting. (See #5 below)
  5. Credit is a “living breathing thing.” Not like as in a “monster” but certainly there’s an organic aspect to your credit history. There’s a lot going on there. That’s why it’s nearly impossible to control your credit scores no matter what all those “karma” websites will tell you. I have had many people I’ve worked with (including one right now) who are tweaking their credit based on what “karma” tells them to do with the flick of a finger on the screen of their smartphones. I just shake my head as I watch their frustration as to why in the longer term they’re not hitting the desired scores. There are no short cuts. A credit history determines your credit score. And a credit “history” is exactly that: a long-term project. (See #1 above)
  6. Yes, pay your bills on time. Duh. Note, a “late” payment reported to a credit report is for a payment 30 days late or more. If you pay two days after the due date, but within 30 days, you’ll incur a late charge, but not a derogatory “30 day late” mark on your credit report.
  7. If you’re planning on big purchases in the next few months, don’t close any accounts and don’t pay them down to zero. (See #3 above). If you’re not planning on big purchases, close those accounts you’ll never use again. But remember to keep open 3 to 5 accounts current and active, keep your utilization of revolving credit below 50% of available balance. Don’t zero out your accounts. Pay your bills on time.

You now have your open source access to how your credit scores are calculated. Now, with all that extra time on your hands from NOT monitoring your credit scores, order a pizza, pay for it with a credit card, give the delivery person a generous tip, and kick back and watch “The Queen’s Gambit” on Netflix (it’s AWESOME).

If you want to rebuild your credit, we’ve written an EBOOK with tactics and strategies to begin rebuilding your credit.

Here is my response to the author of this article:

I’ve [Trevor] been in finance for over three decades and I’ve read thousands of credit reports. 

Here are my observations and advice:

STOP wasting your time with that karma nonsense. It’s a rabbit hole that, in my professional experience, does very little to assist consumers with valid credit guidance.

Credit scoring and credit reports are “organic” to a certain extent: many moving parts shifting each month. That’s why the “karma” advice and others like it can’t work correctly all the time, or in the long term.

Credit scores update once a month. Period. Not daily, not weekly, not based on activity. Creditors choose to provide reporting information to the THREE credit bureaus (Trans-Union, Equifax and Experian). The accuracy of that information can often be questionable.

No consumer anywhere can obtain the same credit scores that we use in the financial services field. We use “CLASSIC” FICO scores. Even should you obtain your score from the FICO website, it’s not a CLASSIC score. 

I’ve seen differences of as much as 100 points in either direction between the consumer-access credit scores and CLASSIC scores.

Financing decisions are made using CLASSIC FICO scores by pretty much every credit-decision maker everywhere.

Creditors of all sorts (mortgages, car loans, credit cards, etc.) have varying criteria from one creditor to the next to determine creditworthiness.

Visit for great, legitimate, free advice on all things credit related.

NEVER ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER pay anyone to repair/restore/add trades to your credit report. I’ve met too many people over my career who have done that only for me to tell them months later how terrible their credit is and, no, I cannot approve them for a mortgage to buy a house. 

They respond with the kind of outrage you express in the article. Those credit “repair” people are scams, IMHO. I don’t care if they now appear as “legitimate” on the FTC website: I haven’t seen a single case where those types of services assisted a consumer in the long term. 

And credit is LONG TERM.

As for people offering to add trades to your report: dunno, but that sounds incredibly fraudulent to me.