It Ain’t a Stimulus until It’s Law

SBA Failed the American Small Business owner during the COVID in the way it implemented the EIDL program guidelines as set forth in the CARES Act.

Under the CARES Act provisions for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL), SBA was to provide a totally-forgivable Grant of $10,000 PER BUSINESS paid within 3 days of filing application for EIDL program online. There was never any requirement or provision of anything different from that simple language in the Legislation.

SBA subsequently and arbitrarily changed the Grant to a distribution of $1000 per employee, along with capping EIDL loans at $150k when they’re supposed to go up to $2M as per Congressional Legislation.

The $1000 per employee nonsense was exactly that, complete nonsense and a violation of The CARES Act and a capricious and arbitrary decision by SBA without direction or permission from Congress.


When taken to task in a Senate hearing, SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza and US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin both replied like Ralph Kramden, “Hummina…hummina…hummina…” and meekly stated that they made these arbitrary decisions to change the program (and ignore Congressional mandate) because SBA was worried they would “run out of money”.

Imagine if the US Navy was in danger of running out of money? Would they stop sailing ships and flying fighters? NO. They would ask Congress for more money.

THAT is the most massive #FAIL on the part of SBA Administration (and Treasury, for their part) in not returning to Congress to request additional funding.

In making these decisions, SBA failed in its fiduciary duties to the American Small Business owner. FYI: In the currently proposed Second Stimulus Legislation, Congress made sure to hold SBA accountable by requiring definitive reporting deadlines that SBA must return to Congress to report on progress of the funding of the various programs.

You can watch the Hearing here.

We strongly urge EVERYONE to stop watching all the alleged YouTube experts expounding on the exact rules of the new Stimulus. When this is actually signed into LAW, SBA still has to create the RULES.  Until SBA creates the RULES, NO ONE can say with any certainty what they are.  Not me, not anyone.  We can only interpret what we read. I read the Legislation several times.  To Trevor’s practiced eye (30 years lending with Government programs), some language remains unclear and confusing.

Our interpretation—and that’s all it is—doesn’t mean a hill of beans until SBA MAKES THE RULES.  Instead of watching YouTube “experts” watch kitten videos. It could prove to be a better use of your time.

How to Apply for an EIDL Loan

An updated sample of the EIDL application with Trevor's commentary on what changes the SBA has implemented when underwriting your EIDL loan.