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Marketing Blogs

Insights to shed light on your marketing.
Be Bright. Be Bold. Be Marketing.

AI IMAGE of a group of business owners in shadow with business suits and various idea icons overhead

Mistake Management: Future-Proof Faux Pas

In the world of small business, the ability to anticipate and prepare for potential pitfalls is more than a necessity; it’s an asset. And
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The Problem with Crowdsourced Knowledge

We believe crowdsourced knowledge can be useful for two reasons ONLY. Both of these concepts are valuable, but should only be used as a
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Terms of Use in the Fine Print

Are you the kind of person who reads those long legal “Terms of Use” statements on websites? When you get a new credit card,
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Mindset and Makeovers: A Tale of Mistakes

Over the past three years, during COVID, we helped thousands of business owners secure funding through the various disaster programs in the United States.
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Overcome Impostor Syndrome as a Small Business Owner

I was so excited to write this blog but then thought, “who am I to write about this subject? I’m not a psychologist. What
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Basics of the New Wild Web3

If you prefer to listen to the blog, you can visit our Medium article here. Research BIZ Glitch NFT Project for Small Business Owners
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3 Things to Expect From Your Insurance Broker I’m going to hit you between the eyes, and you may like it, but not at first. I’d like to think I know a
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4 Myths and Mistakes in Marketing During a Crisis

First, we wish everyone health and safety during through this COVID crisis. I will outline 4 myths and mistakes in marketing during a crisis.
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6 Podcast Episodes That Stopped Me in My Tracks

With COVID 19 hanging around longer than what anyone expected with no eradication in sight, it’s a mistake to think you should stop marketing
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Don’t Get Burned by Your Business Partner

Here’s a Valentine’s Day business tip for all the business partnerships out there, especially if you LOVE your business! An entrepreneurial relationship can go
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Who Has Time to Micro-Manage? Control.  It’s all about control.  Or is it about trust? For control, we mean it in a neutral way, neither positive nor negative.
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Kick Overwhelm To The Curb

Do you ever have to prompt your kids to eat something, wear something, do something or go somewhere? They resist; you persist because you
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The Dirt on Marketing, Like Literally

When I was younger, I loved city life. The hustle and bustle of people scurrying and vehicles hurrying was alluring and alive. As I
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How We Avoid Prospecting

Professional salespeople know when they wake in the morning they have to do the one thing that is sure to guarantee an income: Prospect
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The Right Conversation

Too often, business owners have preconceived notions about financing their businesses, whether it’s for a commercial mortgage or credit financing. These ideas arise out
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Our Comfort Zone is Unsafe

I’ve been skydiving, twice. Yes, it was terrifying, both times. I imagined all the worst case scenarios…and they all resulted in death. When you
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Fly Birdie Fly

“Thinking outside the box” is a phrase commonly used in the business world to exercise your creative thinking. What’s wrong with boxes anyway? Boxes
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4 Reasons Goal-Setting Doesn’t Suck

Let’s face it; it’s a goal to set a goal.  The new year is almost here, and I don’t know about you, but this
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