Holy Metaphor Batman! There are many comic book superheroes, but let’s start, FOR NOW, with the Justice League from DC Comics.
If your marketing needs a superpower punch, let’s review how these Superhero members of the Justice League come together with some marketing inspiration!
Most everyone has a favorite Superhero and maybe even a favorite superpower.
Let’s start with BATMAN. And not just because my partner Trevor Curran thinks, I mean wants to be, I mean strives to be, I mean believes he’s BATMAN.
Of all the Justice League superheroes, Batman might be the first, best choice. Why? What’s Batman’s superpower?
Technically, he doesn’t have any. He’s rich, and he develops technology to conquer his missions. Oh, and he’s a detective, to figure out what’s going on out in the world.
That sounds awesome, right? A Superhero with NO superpowers! Note, he bruises and bleeds, much like the rest of us humans. And doesn’t that happen occasionally when we’re trying to find new marketing techniques and making inevitable mistakes?
Batman doesn’t stop! “We have to try.” He asserts.
If you love, live, eat, breathe, and sleep marketing and if you’re relentless in trying new things to see how you can be more visible for your business, Batman may be the Superhero you want to be.
Robin: “You’re hit….”
Batman: “Flesh wound.”
As the Batman comic book reveals, sometimes you have to take a chance and switch gears to experiment with what gets you more traction, aka engagement. And, even if you find that the results aren’t what you expected, you can pivot to try something else. That’s the beauty of marketing. There are so many options!
Next, let’s get “technical” about another Justice League Superhero, CYBORG. He’s half-human, half-machine. An interesting factoid is that this character was developed in 1980. So futuristic, right? His character is described as, “Nowadays, everyone’s juggling an offline and online persona.”
Ain’t that the truth?
Everyone talks about being authentic. Authenticity has credibility, but what happens when you’re faced with interacting IRL (in real life) with other humans who have only seen you online?
Are you the same person standing in front of another person? Don’t worry, no Notting Hill reference here! Can someone feel like they already know you from engaging with you online?
Transparency is the cousin to authenticity. I’d argue that being authentic and transparent is a superpower.
Now let’s talk about the strength and beauty of WONDER WOMAN. With her lasso and her shield, she’s always working. She is the “beating heart of the Justice league. She will fight to the death to defend it.”
How does this relate to marketing?
“I’ve been reacting not leading!” ~ Wonder Woman
You have to want it! You must work to find the tools to go after it for your business, and for your business goals. Whatever it takes for those goals, whatever they may be:
- Paying for your kid’s college tuition
- Getting the pool in the backyard when it’s LAVAHOT degrees outside
- Crossing off a travel destination that’s on your bucket list
Let’s swoon over SUPERMAN. He was a “beacon to the world,” said Batman.
How does this relate to marketing?
Superman makes us see the best part of ourselves in the world. That’s what marketing does. It helps people see what you do best and how they will fit your superpower into their world.
The second fastest Justice League Superhero, FLASH has the speed to take on anything, not to mention, multitask in a split second. How cool would it be to be able to do all of the marketing tasks it takes, in a split second, to reach as broad of an audience as possible?
DC Comics describes the Flash, “…he can still lose track of everything else around him, leaving the fastest man alive constantly running a minute behind.”
Finally, ever feel like you’re drowning in possibilities? Let’s plunge into Justice League Superhero, AQUAMAN who could take those possibilities into the vast open waters and let them float to the surface.
You have to research. You have to experiment. You have to try.
“You tried to warn me, Jim…so many times. You told me that I break too many of the important rules, that I made too many of the wrong enemies…that for all the tricks I’ve been getting by on luck…it’s all a game of odds you said….all it will take, is one bullet.” ~ BATMAN
Find your superpower, then find your team. That’s what the Justice League did.
Who’s your favorite superhero?