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Road Map to Reconsideration**

We want to prepare you for every eventuality, that we’ve encountered, that may occur when you’re going through the EIDL process.

**This is being updated to assist with Natural Disaster EIDL Applications. Buy NOW and get free updates.

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We don’t blame the front line reps trying to manage the incoming mayhem. We blame management, leadership and Congress. Congress has failed to allocate ample funding to this vital organization who touts that small business is the “back bone of the economy”.

The small business owner is left in limbo without any guidance on how to navigate the system.

There are many SBA Loan Officers and Representatives that aren’t familiar with financial documents and are challenged with the volume of applications due to the ongoing COVID disaster.

We had high hopes that the SBA would’ve gotten their act together to do their job with advocating for the small business owner, however, with acts of fraud continuously looming, the fight against fraud seems to consume the SBA thereby making it more difficult to move through the process with ease and simplicity. It’s gotten almost worse than March, 2020.

We want you to minimize the anxiety of not understanding the tactics of the SBA especially since there is no formal training that we can detect nor written guidelines available to follow so you can ensure a smoother process.

For those on the fence (because of price):

  • How much time have you spent calling, emailing, submitting documents, waiting, arguing, worrying, uncertain, confused?
  • How badly do you need the loan?
  • How much are you losing by waiting to only be declined again?

WHO should NOT buy this road map

  • Those who think rushing the process will get you the money faster.
  • Those who think there are shortcuts.
  • Those who are too busy to slow down, read carefully and consider our suggestions.
  • Those who didn’t file your 2019 taxes.
  • Those who didn’t file their 2019 taxes or who filed in 2021 (or 2022) after already applying for the EIDL loan in 2020.
*We do not guarantee an approval. This is to reduce uncertainty, increase confidence with how you communicate with the SBA.

Pull Over  and Ask for Directions!

🚦 Know what to expect when you start the process
🛑 Nuances often overlooked by business owners now facing yet another declination
⚠️ Checklist of documents you’ll need for your EIDL loan (Cheat Sheet product is $347)
🚧 Step-by-step Instructions to complete required forms (3501, 3502, 2202, 4506T, P022, 1368)
🏗 Line-by-Line explanations on why and how to complete required forms
🚦 How to overcome questions from SBA Loan Officers who are “papering” you to death
🛑 Keen insights and logic (vs. emotions) on thinking like a Loan Officer (Be better than the Bureaucrat)
⚠️ Sample wording for letters and affidavits to comply with SBA requests and to direct SBA Rep to understand your history in business
🚧 Blank, fillable required documents at the ready for you to complete and update if necessary
🏗 Completed sample forms (with example of a phantom business)
🚦 Complying with persnickety SBA requests including signatures, Titles, existence of entity and good standing status
🛑 How to submit tax returns
⚠️ How to prepare for Hazard Insurance requirement
🚧 Revenue projections workbook to demonstrate ability to repay the loan
🏗 How to maintain motivation when you feel like giving up
🚦Post-closing requirements; your responsibility is not over just because funds have been disbursed

We also have a Reconsideration Road Map Cheat Sheet if you’re on a budget but want to know how to organize the process and prepare a clean presentation to the SBA.

We want you to get to your destination (FUNDING) safely (less anxiety) and without unnecessary detours (mistakes) and pit stops (SBA chaos).

A. File another reconsideration. You’ll need to review every aspect of what you’ve submitted which is why it’s crucial to pay close attention to every detail. We provide guidance and insight per our direct experiences with the SBA, however, we cannot guarantee that every step you attempt and execute will result in an approval especially without our supervision and direct control over your file. If you get declined, resubmit your package as you prepared. Keep re-submitting until you get a competent loan officer to review your file.

A. Unfortunately, the price point of this guide is set based on us not being on call to monitor how you’re progressing through the guidebook. Imagine calling Rachael Ray to ask why your recipe doesn’t look the same as in the cookbook.

A. We’ll be updating this to accommodate the Natural Disaster EIDL process. 

A. Given the proprietary information and delicate care to develop this Road Map, we don’t offer refunds. We’re confident if you slow down, read carefully, apply attention to detail with how to communicate with the SBA, you’ll have a higher chance of success with our concepts, tactics and recommendations.

Don’t want to buy the whole Road Map but want to ensure your giving it your best shot to overcome yet another declination, we have an abridged version of our Road Map.

If you’re on a budget but want to know you’re on the right track, our Reconsideration Road Map Cheat Sheet includes the following.

What’s included in this Cheat Sheet?
  • What to Expect
  • What is Reconsideration?
  • Analysis of Declination Reasons
  • Prove Your Business Origin (especially if you’re a sole proprietor)
  • Prepare for SBA Problems
  • Personal Guarantee & Collateral
  • Basic Step-by-Step Reconsideration Process
  • Reconsideration Outline
  • Documents Checklist
  • Definition of Documents
  • Challenging Changes
    • Email Address
    • Bank Account
    • Multiple Owners
    • Multiple EIDL Applications Submitted
  • Being Persistent with the Process
  • How does Personal Guarantee & Collateral work
We have provided every aspect of what we know the SBA requires as well as mistakes we’ve seen that result in a declination. We’ve also experienced what it takes to get approved.

Purchase our Road Map to start a smoother journey to an approval* for $797.

*We do not guarantee an approval. This is to reduce uncertainty, increase confidence with how you communicate with the SBA.

credit explanation letter ebook cover page with a map and red pin in city of San Francisco

Areas of Expertise + Free Resources

EIDL Consulting

Shield yourself and your business from the unexpected EIDL twists and turns as the government spotlight shifts from loan forgiveness toward fraud prevention and debt collection. Stay ahead of the curve with our COVID-19 EIDL products and services.

Natural Disaster
EIDL Consulting

Let us be your compass in the storm of  the SBA’s Natural Disaster EIDL application process. We’re here to guide you through the choppy waters ensuring a smoother sail toward approval.

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