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Business Loan Preparation

Hang on for rough seas! Securing a business loan isn’t as easy as you may think…or what the lender may tell you. Many Business Owners are not prepared for the often complicated process, unexpected questions, document requests, and delays when seeking funds to help maintain or grow your enterprise.  We’ve prepared an expert guide with advice from Trevor, our veteran Loan Officer to prepare you for every step in the business financing process.

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We want to prepare you for every eventuality based on what we experienced as business financing experts.

Lenders will lead you to believe they’re ready to make loans to your business happen, but too often the business owner is left in limbo with zero guidance on navigating the application process and lending system.

We want you to minimize the anxiety of not understanding the tactics of the SBA especially since there is no formal training that we can detect nor written guidelines available to follow so you can ensure a smoother process.

We created our expert guide to application processing to help you minimize the anxiety of misunderstanding the tactics of Lenders and also the SBA.

HOW and WHY?  How did we create this guide and why?  We were commercial financing consultants before COVID, and during COVID, we helped thousands of Small Business Owners navigate the nightmare of the SBA EIDL program.

The HOW comes from our hands-on experience processing and submitting applications to Lenders and to the SBA for our Clients.

The WHY comes from seeing the mistakes, misunderstandings, and misery on both sides of the loan application process: from the Lenders/SBA and from the Small Business Owners. We learned the hard way where the “weak points” were and decided to create our expert guide to assist you, the hardy Small Business Owner, avoid the pitfalls of the loan application process. Do you believe you can navigate a loan application without expert guidance?  Maybe you’re unsure of the cost of an expert guide for loan applications:

  • How much time do you have to correct mistakes in the application because you made the wrong assumptions about what a Lender will accept?
  • How badly do you need the financing?
  • Are you willing to pay substantially higher lending costs (interest rates and fees) with alternative lenders because you failed with a traditional lender or the SBA?

We created Beacon Guides to assist with the business loan process. 

*We do not guarantee an approval in your financing request. This is to reduce uncertainty, increase confidence with how you communicate with a financing institution.

WHO should NOT invest in our Beacon Guides?

See If Your State is Registered for this Program.

SSBCI Treasury Guide

Through this program, the Federal government is making available $10 Billion directly to States for all small businesses in the country. In our Step-by-Step guide, we explain the program and outline how to access the funds including examples of eligibility and use of funds. If you want instructions on how to submit a financing request, check out our Business Financing Application Fundamentals BEACON GUIDES.

Let’s Shed Light on the process

A. Continue to request a review of your file. You’ll need to review every aspect of what you’ve submitted which is why it’s crucial to pay close attention to every detail. We provide guidance and insight per our direct experiences with the various Lenders since 2018, however, we cannot guarantee that every step you attempt and execute will result in an approval especially without our supervision and direct control over your file. If you get declined, resubmit your package as you prepared. Keep re-submitting until you get a competent loan officer to review your file.

A. Unfortunately, the price point of this guide is set based on us not being “on call” to monitor how you’re progressing through the Guide. Imagine calling Rachael Ray to ask why your recipe doesn’t look the same as in the cookbook.

A. We try to UPDATE our Guides periodically as the financing landscape changes. We do not promise nor do we guarantee future updates.

A. Given the proprietary information and delicate care to develop our Guides, we don’t offer refunds. We’re confident if you slow down, read carefully, apply attention to detail with how to communicate with the Lender, you’ll have a higher chance of success with our concepts, tactics and recommendations. Most people want shortcuts and/or rush the process taking for granted that you are responsible for the data, financials and documents you’re required to submit.

We have provided every aspect of what we know Lenders requires as well as mistakes we’ve seen that result in a loan declination. We’ve also experienced what it takes to get approved.

Purchase our Beacon Guide to have a clear destination toward approval* for $497 for a limited time.

*We do not guarantee an approval. This is to increase confidence in your communications with a Lender and/or SBA.

Areas of Expertise + Free Resources

EIDL Consulting

Shield yourself and your business from the unexpected EIDL twists and turns as the government spotlight shifts from loan forgiveness toward fraud prevention and debt collection. Stay ahead of the curve with our COVID-19 EIDL products and services.

Natural Disaster
EIDL Consulting

Let us be your compass in the storm of  the SBA’s Natural Disaster EIDL application process. We’re here to guide you through the choppy waters ensuring a smoother sail toward approval.

Clients & Loyal Viewers Over the Moon

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