Sample Business Agenda Workbook


It takes courage to be proactive. It’s easy to avoid the difficult conversations, but that doesn’t solve problems.
What does? Scheduling productive meetings to cover issues before they get big and bloated.

We touch on the sections listed below and ask questions in areas where sometimes, we have to dig deep into our soul and ask questions of ourselves that we may be ignoring.

✅ Long-term goals: This reminds you of the passion and why you created this business and what legacy you want to leave behind.
✅ Financial goals: Whether you’re scaling your business or prefer to maintain the current level of revenue/income, natural attrition occurs every year for every business. Reviewing financials helps to prepare for the inherent ebbs and flows of a business.
✅ Sales Goals: Drive growth through effective sales tactics because SALES creates customers.
✅ Marketing goals: If you want to scale, marketing is key for a lead generation strategy to create the opportunity to onboard new clients.
✅ Customer Service Skills: We don’t have a business without customers. Structuring and evaluating the customer journey will help outline how to engage with the customer throughout their time with you. This is necessary for one-time or ongoing type relationships.

This workbook is designed for you to review and make notes. This is not meant to be overwhelming. We kept the exercises and subparts to a minimum. There are certainly expanded considerations that can delve deeper, but this is a good start if you’ve not addressed this type of practice in a while.

We divided up the sections into the following buckets:

  • Long-term goals: This reminds you of your passion why you created this business and what legacy you want to leave behind.
  • Financial goals: Whether you’re maintaining a current level of income or scaling your enterprise, natural attrition occurs every year for every business. Reviewing financials helps to prepare for the inherent ebbs and flows of a business.
  • Sales Goals: Drive growth through effective sales tactics.
  • Marketing goals: If you want to scale, marketing is key for a lead generation strategy.
  • Customer Service Skills: We don’t have a business without customers. Structuring and evaluating the customer journey will help outline how to engage with the customer throughout their engagement with you.
  • Bonus Section: Typically, there are annual requirements for a business depending on how the business is structured.